Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More Links and Recipes for your Paleo Challenge

  We are going to stick to Robb Wolf's guidelines for the thirty day Paleo Challenge, although super-strict Paleo People The Whole9 have changed their guidelines to include clarified butter, ghee.  This is their original Dairy Manifesto.  

I'm not sure I buy all that, especially for raw, unpasteurized, organic milk.  Milk has many good properties to recommend it; it has everything needed to build a big, dumb animal.  Whole milk is a perfect Zone food, with balanced ratios of fat, carbs, and protein.  It is well known among strength athletes that milk stimulates growth with  powerful anabolic properties; HGH and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1).  Plus, it is a liquid food which allows one to consume it quickly without feeling as full, thus one can consume more calories.  After your Paleo Challenge, if you are going to try it make sure to introduce it gradually, as you need to build up that lactase enzyme to break down the sugars.    Also, the proteins in milk may be allergenic, especially if you have other gut issues.   Skim milk, however is a broken food.  They took out all the satisfying yummy fat in order to sell it back to us when we go on a bender and eat a half gallon of ice cream out of desperate longing for some creamy comfort.
The Whole9 have interesting rules for their "reset" program.  I think Kurt Harris's take on it is more nuanced and intellectual.  He doesn't have people start cold turkey with a "reset" but encourages gradual changes.  This may be more sustainable over the long haul.  Really, how much can you get away with in this hedonistic world?

Recipes from one of the Whole9's health ambassadors.  There may be some ghee in these recipes.   Our lovely Paleo recipe book in the gym is available for borrowing, but it allows some cheese and cream which is not suitable for this month of pure Paleo, but may be fine for you later.

The flock lays a variety of eggs

Can you tell which egg is the organic, free range grocery store egg and which comes from our foraging, left-over fed chickens?


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